"Eric's incredible experience and knowledge of RRT made the experience enjoyable. The session gave me a profound experience and understanding of myself. The way he helped me understand my anxiety and, more than that, guiding me through this amazing experience where I was flooded with an incredible self-belief, self-worth, and the realization that I am more than enough and have the strengths to overcome my fears. Thanks Eric, for being my guide through such a profound journey!!"

​ -D.M.

“I have lived in an anxiety filled fog for as long as I can remember. Rooting deep into my spirit- anxiety and depression slowly took over who I felt I was. I lost the fun parts of myself and only listened to the anxious voice in my head. I always tried to put on a happy façade and help everyone with their issues but never healed my own. The day I decided to make a change and make the greatest decision of my life came a few weeks ago. There was a pedophile who moved in next door to my family, I have young girls and a history of being sexually abused myself so naturally I was TRIGGERED.

I was fully forced to face every nasty emotion I had buried over the last 25 years. After my panic attacks and many sleepless nights I called Eric to help me. Going into the appointment I had just a surface level knowledge of what RRT was but not to the extent that it would help me.

I arrived at the office and Eric immediately made me feel welcome, comfortable but most important to me was he made me feel SAFE and HEARD. We started the session with his intention for our work and I gave him a bit more information on the areas I wanted to unblock or re-frame the story.

There were many areas I needed unblocked. We were able to go into my brain and rewire my thinking and detach the emotions that were tied to the negative actions in my childhood that bled through every aspect of my life. Eric was able to gently guide me through some very deep, dark heavy things that I had not felt in year, all without judgement, shame or anything other than holding space for me to truly feel, re-frame and move on from it. I left feeling lighter than I had in years, like a weight had been lifted off re framed of my shoulders.

Part of the incredible healing I have done through RRT with Eric is now I am able to stop in whatever triggering moment I am in and change my perspective. I am able to "Zoom out" and see the picture from a different angle without connecting emotion to the action. I am able to effectively convey what boundary I need without fear of hurting whoever I am enforcing my boundary on (this is HUGE for me being a toxic people pleaser) I feel more confident in myself without the anxiety fog looming over my every moment. Most of all I feel like I am able to fully connect, protect and nurture my true self again after 20 plus years of burying the anxiety and unhealthy coping mechanisms. I feel so FREE! I am noticing more ways my thinking has re framed, I know this journey will forever alter my life for the better.

I will never be able to fully express how this healing process Eric led me on has changed my life but I will forever be grateful for him leading me back to my true self!

Thank you Eric, for changing my life. For allowing me to finally break through my heavy, dark past and see life from a new place.”

​As a Navy Veteran who worked in special intelligence I found myself with many past obstacles I could not for the life of me overcome. I am going through a rough divorce with one son and one on the way. I lost everything i ever held dear and close to my heart was ripped away from me in what seemed like seconds. Eric's practice helped me to see past the misery, pain, regret, and anguish that I was living in day to day.

I felt like I was drowning in a pool of sadness where the bottom was just out of reach and the surface was a constant struggle to find. After my sessions with Eric I live everyday in the present tense, and that is the best gift I have ever received. I no longer have darkness lurking around every corner instead I have an overwhelming sense of joy and contentment that follows me everywhere I go.

With this newfound love for life I know that nothing in my life is out of reach for me. I highly recommend this program to anyone with struggles big or small, if it is a "hang up" Eric can rid your life of it. This has been the best decision I have ever made for myself and I truly hope that this practice continues to touch lives everyday.
