What is RRT and how does it work?

RRT or Rapid Resolution Therapy is a process that helps people who may be stuck. Typically, these stucknesses are quite life disturbing and can oftentimes be quite stubborn and hard to see any relief from them. Someone could be stuck feeling fits of rage and jealousy or someone could be struck with an addiction to a substance or set of circumstances in their lives. I find that as long as someone is willing to do the work to change, then the results they get will run parallel with that. However, if for some reason they do not want the change, it may likely never occur. Often times what we put our faith or belief in becomes our reality. So, that said, RRT is a unique way of thinking and seeing the world that is together different than anything any of my clients have ever experienced and as a result it is highly effective. Here are some of the things that RRT can help people become free and clear of:

Anxiety or Panic attacks

Fits of Rage

Broken hearts

Drug addiction

Alcohol addiction



Lack of Motivation

Sexual Abuse

the list goes on and on… these are just a few.